"...a blessing to the reader, child or adult. Read this charming book and you'll know exactly what I mean." —Rita Mae Brown
"Michael J. Rosen is a writer with a nice touch of humor and a lot of heart. This is a friendly, family book in which every word rings true." —Eve Bunting
The whole community is invited to the blessing of the animals at the church across the street from Jared’s new apartment. People will be taking all kinds of pets to the celebration of St. Francis’s day. And Jared, being a great dog person, wants to take his Labrador retriever for the blessing. The only problem, as his mom points out, is that he’s Jewish. But, Jared counters, they’ve attended weddings and funerals at Christian churches, and blessing are always bestowed, why is this occasion any different? It’s ultimately up to Jared alone to decide whether or not to attend, and his resolution – as mature as it is personal – will certainly surprise readers.